Quick & Effective Marketing Plan for Local Construction and HVAC Businesses

Marketing 3-4-5™ Fundamentals Specifically Crafted For Local Construction and HVAC Businesses - Browse all industry plans here

Your projects and customer interactions are your marketing fuel and makes content marketing a breeze

Get started marketing your construction or HVAC businesses in just a few simple steps:

This simple marketing and content plan is based on our Marketing 3-4-5™ approach and shows how every local construction business can clearly and effectively market themselves online without requiring much time or expense.

Scroll down for step-by-step examples to help you rapidly create content that is relevant, compelling, yet requires zero creativity for your Construction Business or HVAC Service.

Creating authentic content for your construction business or HVAC service can help you stand out from your competitors big or small while helping you attract your ideal customers.

New construction, additions, remodeling, and maintenance have become increasingly prevalent yet where can someone turn? Local construction businesses and HVAC are, in many ways, a dime-a-dozen yet for most people finding quality a contractor is hard and recognize they're a fit is even harder.

Alternatively, contractors buying leads on the outside hope of converting clients is an expensive proposition that's often simply a race to the lowest price.

You have a chance to build your brand and attract the sorts of clients and projects you want - not merely "stay busy" by taking any job you can.

As we always say, content drives marketing and it's surprisingly easy for local businesses to follow a repeatable process for creating impactful content.

Highlighting A Project

Growing your preferred lines of business would be transformative and yet most construction and HVAC businesses poorly market their activities - if it's marketed at all.

Once you have a page on your website about your various offerings - that is, the types of projects you want to take on, marketing your construction or HVAC business can be as easy as sharing recent project activities. Each job that represents your preferred type of opportunity should have its own post and it should include:

  • what did you do or what did you make,
  • identify any unique materials, processes, or attributes of the project
  • where the project was located and if it was residential, commercial, or industrial,
  • what were the project goals (from your customer's perspective),
  • how long the project took and any challenges that came up, along with how you were able to resolve those challenges,
  • what unique experience, expertise, or equipment enabled this project to be accomplished successfully,
  • and what the client said or feedback they gave you.

Ideally, you should include a series of pictures from various stages of the project.

Highlighting a Project literally reminds people of what you do, your client is likely to promote the post to their friends and contacts on social media who have similar construction or HVAC needs, and when you are talking with someone about a future project you can reference similar jobs on your website to support your sales activities.

Employee Recognition

Whether you have 2 employees or 20 recognizing them in a blog post is an easy way to reward them for a job well done while helping people get to know your business.

You have a few options to recognize employees. You can recognize employees regularly as an employee of the month, you can recognize them in an ad-hoc way when customers report a great experience to you or even celebrate new hires or work anniversaries.

This is also an opportunity to identify any unique skills or experience they bring to the team and, if relevant, ways you are using their know-how to train up other members of your team.

If you're hiring, including a note at the end of each Employee Recognition post alerting and linking readers to your job openings is a great way to use marketing to build your team - there are, after all, 3 reasons to do marketing.

Subcontractor, Vendor or Partner Spotlight Articles

Do you have a vendor or subcontractor that you've worked with for years or has recently gone above-and-beyond on a project? Taking a few minutes to recognize them is a great way to show your broader 'team' while also driving greater reach with people in the community.

Alternatively, are there businesses that regularly send you referrals or to whom you regularly refer people? In particular, if you just got a referral that paid off from another business this is a great time to show them your appreciation.

Tell their story.

A simple post explaining the nature of your relationship and a simple Q&A with your partner is fast and easy. A few questions we recommend include the following (download our free recognition prompts here):

  • How did you get into the [business type]?
  • What do you specialize in and what are your ideal types of projects?
  • What role do referrals play in your business and how you work with clients?
  • How did you meet [your business name]?
  • What about [your business name] made you want to refer people to us?
  • Do you have a motto or way of thinking about customer service for your business?

When you do this, you're showing you're a team player when it comes to the community, you get to share why other businesses think you're great, and you tap into your partner's audience all without breaking a sweat.

Seasonal Posts

Many construction industries and surely HVAC have seasonal considerations related the maintenance, service, or new construction.

Alternatively, if you've had a lot of rain, snow, heat, drought etc that impacts your industry and clients that's worth addressing.

Reminding people it's time for service, that they need to replace their smoke detector batteries or air filters, and providing maintenance suggestions is an easy way to have content year-round. More than that, combine this reminder post with a recently completed project to have a fresh version every year.

DIY Tips for Home Owners

Are there things that people should be doing on their own such as maintenance on their furnace, deck, roof, etc?

This is a great opportunity to empower people to address basic needs while building rapport with them. Who would you rather work with, the business that helped me be successful or the business you've never interacted with before?

There are a lot of us that aren't the handiest individuals.

In many cases, we don't have the basic vocabulary to communicate our problem and we feel stupid when trying. If you can help me avoid the risk of feeling dumb you may earn my business for that very reason and, if nothing else, you'll educate more of your customers so that they become easier to work with and better understand your true value.

Tips can also include warnings

Whether there's a risk of physical danger or simply causing damage that's expensive to repair sharing these insights is important. More than that, when you do so you can include a Call-to-Action (CTA) where readers can quickly ask for help when they reach the point where they need an expert.

Community Interest Article

Let's face it, where you live matters to you - and it should. Why not highlight local causes you support? Do you host fundraiser nights or do you regularly get solicited for donations?

Yep, you can create posts and recognize these activities on your website.

This makes you look good - it's ok to make yourself look good - and it shines a light on a local organization you care about in real life.

Go further by highlighting Local Connections™ and feature local events in a community calendar, we have an app for that ;)

Get the Most Out of Your Content and Marketing Efforts

Don't forget that the blog lives on your website and follow our suggested approach to post and distribute content online

We wrote the Local Lovin' Book on Marketing

Marketing 3-4-5™: The Business Owner's Guide to Effective Local Marketing in 15-Minutes or Less